Chinle C&S Society members organize and participate in a variety of field trips, both local and regional. Trip objectives mirror those of trips run by the Cactus & Succulent Society of America (CSSA) focusing on plants in native habitat, educating about natural environments, and reinforcing conservation ethics and practices. Chinle trips provide social mixing opportunities and exposure to locations with importance to other disciplines such as history, natural history and archaeology.

Minimizing the footprint of a group while safely accessing remote natural areas requires planning, organization and coordination. Our club maintains ground rules to help field trips run smoothly and effectively. Field trip participants must understand and agree to these guidelines.

Absolutely No Plant Collecting

  • Do not collect plants
  • Do not collect anything in national & state parks
  • Observe the “Chinle C&SS Conservation Policy”
  • The Endangered Species Act (ESA) aims to conserve and protect endangered and threatened plants and their habitats. The ESA prohibits collecting (including seeds), or otherwise disturbing, damaging or destroying any listed plant.

Tread Lightly & Be Aware of Your Surroundings

  • Look carefully before you step!
  • Step on rocks, bare ground, etc. to avoid damaging tiny plants
  • Be aware that there may be little plants other than the one that you, your eyes and the camera are focused on
  • Many plants are quite small & federally protected by the ESA from any kind of damage…

Carpooling is Strongly Encouraged

  • Daily schedules are tight  –  be considerate and on time
  • Have an ice chest in each vehicle
  • Baggage space is limited, pack lightly
  • Passengers should share expenses such as gas & entrance fees

Overnight Accommodations

  • Individuals are responsible for making their own accommodations

Be Safe and Aware

  • Parking will often be limited & immediately adjacent to main highways: pull off the roadway, bunch up & be safe
  • Leave adequate passing space when parking along narrow roads – be considerate
  • Avoid driving off-road & across undisturbed vegetation


  • Begin each day with a full fuel tank, lunches, drinks, etc.

Lunches, Snacks & Drinks

  • Individuals are responsible for bringing their own lunches, water, etc.
  • Lunch stops may come late and may not have tables or toilets


  • May be primitive, few & far between

No Pets


  • Bring sunscreen, insect repellent, camera, walking sticks, etc.
  • Bring clothing appropriate for the season & locality

Costs & Fees

  • Fees may be charged to help cover costs of materials and to generate funds for operations of the CC&SS
  • Non-members will be charged double the member rate


  • Limits may be placed on the number of participants, vehicles, etc.
  • CC&SS members in good standing will have priority over non-members